Octopus are known for their high level of intelligence and problem-solving.
They have a very developed nervous system and most of their neurons are located in their arms. Which give them amazing dexterity and control of their movement.
One of their most fascinating abilities is their camouflage. They can change color and even texture of their skin to blend in with their surroundings, making them almost impossible to see.
This camouflage is achieved through specialized cells called Chromatophores, which contain pigments that can expand or contract to create different colors and patterns.
They are also master of disguise. Besides changing colors, they can change the shape of their bodies to imitate other animals or objects. They can even contort their bodies to look like a rock, coral or even seaweed. This ability allow them to hide from predators.
Octopus has the amazing ability to squeeze through tiny openings. They have a soft body and are extremely flexible, allowing them to fit though opening a lot smaller than them. This ability help them hide from predators or access some hidden food.
Octopus are also known for their exceptional problem-solving skills. They will use objects like rocks or coconuts shells to create a shelter or hide from predators. Octopus are so smart, they can figure how to open a jar by unscrewing the lid to get the food inside. There was a YouTube video, a wild back, showing an octopus and a closed jar with food inside and after some time, the octopus figure how to open the jar. This is really amazing.
Octopus has a unique way of reproduction. The males have a specialized arm called a Hectocotylus. During mating, the males will use that arm to transfer sperm to the female. After mating, the female lays thousands of eggs which she will carefully guard until they hatch. She will not eat during the hole time and will die after the eggs hatch, scarifying herself for the survival of her offspring.
Did you know that most octopus only lives from 1 to 2 years, depending on the species? But the giant pacific octopus can live up to 5 years.
There is over 300 species of octopus. The most common one are: common octopus, blue-ringed octopus, mimic octopus and the giant pacific octopus. They all have their own ability to survive in their specific habitat.
Octopus has several defense systems:
-camouflage: which I talked about earlier.
-ink: they can release a cloud of ink blogging the view of the predator, giving the octopus time to escape.
-muscular mantle: octopus have a muscular mantle that they can contract rapidly to expel water. This give them a jet propulsion helping them to swim away.
-arm sacrifice: in some case, they can sacrifice one of their arm as a defense system. They can detach their arm when caught by the predator.
-venomous: some species of octopus, like the blue-ringed octopus, have venomous bites. The venom can paralyze or even kill the predator.
Bottom line, octopus are fascinating creatures, and they won’t stop amazing us.